Jen- Thanks for sharing this. I can't remember who came up with this concept (so forgive me if I misquote or mis-reference). But there's a school of thought that in life, there are usually only a handful of 'burners' (literally) one person can manage. Each of those burners represents a particular category of life (e.g. health, family, career, art, etc). And while one person can keep all those burners on at the same time, it uses a lot more power. And this particular philosophy believes that whichever way the burners stay on (one at a time, or multiples at a time)--there's only a capped amount of firepower within one's 'stove.' Something about this concept makes sense. But I wonder if it could use with a bit of improvement, too. Like what are some things that could improve one's fire-power? Or what are some things that could more efficiently improve each burn? Your writing is a great reminder that we still have a lot to go when it comes to this topic. :)

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Love that analogy, Thalia! Thanks for reading. It's true ... maybe not for all people, but for some of us (me) ... multiple fires are there to be powered no matter what, whether I initiate them or not. I prefer to initiate them, but I'm not sure that's always healthy. Perhaps we all have to charge in different ways (and different categories drain us differently). Such a good topic to open up further, I agree.

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ah, the tyranny of the "urgent". or, for me these days it is being so very curious and wanting to dip my toes in so many waters. i am older (65 soon) and finding it is okay to not immediately respond to texts or email...but i have to actually give myself permission! to take time to discern where i want to spend my limited energy. doing it all very imperfectly as i have a lifetime of "work" habits and beliefs that want to have the dominate voice. sigh.

thanks for sharing!!

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Thank you, Anne!! The voice that wants to be dominant because it always was. So *yawn* and yet so hard to shake.

(I just got a book by Sharon Blackie, and I have a feeling I'm going to love it.)

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i've read all her non-fiction books and taken several courses (and, of course follower her Substack)--so obviously a fan. i hope you find something that stirs your curiosity in her words.

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I feel you on all of this.

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