My fear, which I don’t see as having a bearing as an AYTL exercise, is a fear of cliche. I aim for originality, to avoid the trite in language. This avoidance limits my output as I create a story. My slow frequency of publication halts my willingness to hop onto Substack as I believe that such participation requires regularity. This would serve as a deadline, albeit self-imposed, that I prefer not to add to my work-ethic filled consciousness.
Finally, I’m provisionally pleased with my creations, but my target requires improvement.
My fear, which I don’t see as having a bearing as an AYTL exercise, is a fear of cliche. I aim for originality, to avoid the trite in language. This avoidance limits my output as I create a story. My slow frequency of publication halts my willingness to hop onto Substack as I believe that such participation requires regularity. This would serve as a deadline, albeit self-imposed, that I prefer not to add to my work-ethic filled consciousness.
Finally, I’m provisionally pleased with my creations, but my target requires improvement.
An artist who's pleased, provisionally or otherwise, is going in the right direction. 💫