Congrats on the contract, Jen! Hope the release goes well! All sound advice in this post!

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Thank you, Dave!! My aim is to work on those pesky expectations and try to go with the flow. :)

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Jen, you are a great writing teacher for all aspects of the process.

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You're too kind, Kim. Thanks!!

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Jen, congratulations! I'm looking forward to reading Chaos Magic.

What if my project refuses to fledge? The balloon's string gets tangled on my wrist, or the grenade's pin stays stubbornly stuck? I've done a dozen read throughs, three rounds of editing, two rounds of beta readings (thanks, Jen!) and the story refuses to be finished. How do I know when it's time to commend the story to its fate?

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Great image!! Some of these timelines can be long, can't they? If it makes you feel better (worse?), WAU took me ten years plus. Chaos Magic took me two (while working multiple jobs), so I feel like that part is just as much out of our control. Maybe drop it for a while completely, start something new, then revisit in a few months (say, October, when we're in Italy and the potential is unlimited)?

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Well said! All of it. Every time I release a work, my vulnerability tentacles are quivering. Ten books. And it’s always the same. Thanks for reminding us writers that we are not alone.

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Thanks, David. It is so comforting to remember we're part of a community, I agree. 10 books is such an accomplishment. I preordered your newest, by the by. I recently drafted a piece on middle age that I might submit or just post here, but the topic of aging well is forefront for me.

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Grateful. Thanks for the kind words. Love to read your thoughts on a process none of us can avoid. :)

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